sgd finalist 2022

Worthing – Vibrant Town Garden

About This Project

An infusion of vibrant colour and careful arrangement of circular patios define this seaside town garden. Designed around the lifestyle and unique sense of style of a professional couple, this garden was conceived to mirror the rich, reddish hues of the new garden building.

The same striking red tone was replicated to breathe new life into the otherwise mundane pebbledash render on the garden wall, turning it into a striking feature.

The warmth and gentle sparkle of the stunning Dune sandstone paving is intensified by contrasting grey limestone edging and harmonises perfectly with the wall’s tones.

The paved areas, spacious and inviting, provide ample room for a variety of activities, entertaining and relaxation. Garden lighting enables use the garden long into the evening and enhances the main features.

Achieving privacy was paramount for the design and was achieved by adding trellis over he garden wall and fences. Additionally, pleached Pyrus calleryana “Chanticleer” trees cleverly conceal the less appealing wall of the neighbouring property and add abundance and charm with spring blossoms and rich autumnal hues.

Lastly, the plant palette was meticulously selected to resonate with the building’s colour scheme. A well-considered blend of shrubs and perennials brings colour and interest to the garden throughout the year.

Their thoughtful placement ensures that regardless of the season, there is always something in the garden to pique one’s interest and provide a feast for the eyes. While intended to be abundant elsewhere in the garden, the planting in front of the garden room was kept low to enable maximum light to reach the interior.

If you would like to find out more about our garden design process or would like to discuss a new garden project please contact us for more information.


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