Why we don’t use Artificial Grass in our Garden Designs

An artificial lawn may seem like an easy solution to many problems – who doesn’t want to have an instant green space that promises no maintenance? No mowing, watering, no brown patches… so why we do not design with it?

In our philosophy at Scamells Garden Design, the garden is a space where nature and people meet – and artificial turf takes the nature out of the equation to a great extent. Obviously for a garden to be usable and enjoyable, it needs to feature some hard landscaping, such as paving and decking.

But the soft landscaping – lawn, planting, water – is important to balance the picture. While resembling the soft landscape features, artificial turf is anything but, and comes with a devastating effects for the environment in the first place.

Contrary to what it may seem, the soil in a garden is full of useful life. Beneficial microbes in topsoil help our mental health and immune systems, particularly amongst children. For an artificial lawn to be installed, the ground under the plastic needs to be compacted and becomes a death zone for any organisms living in it.

It will also not absorb rainfall well, contributing to runoff and flooding down the line. It contributes to plastic pollution – both shedding plastic particles throughout its life, and after it is taken away at the end of its life as there is no effective way to recycle it.

Unlike real grass it will heat up extensively, contributing to raising temperature in your garden (and is not going to be pleasant to walk on at all) – hardly an invitation to go and relax in the garden during warm weather! And obviously, just like your carpets at home it does require maintenance – it is not going to stay pristine outside, no matter what the manufacturers promise!

Whatever the problem that the artificial grass promises to fix, a garden designer will find the right solution for you.

Shady gardens can be planted with wonderful array of low maintenance plants; sunny sites likewise, and if you are not keen on watering, then a gravel garden with low water needs and mediterranean planting may be the way to go.

And if you really need the lawn then go for the real thing – the benefits outweigh the drawbacks here.

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